Always let your partner know how much you appreciate what he or she does for you. Let him know the ways in which he makes you happy. Tell him how great he is in bed. Let him know how attractive you think she is, how much you respect him and what he does for a living. Your partner can’t guess what’s on your mind, and he wants to know that he is all you need.

Also, show him how grateful you are for his generosity as much as you possibly can through actions. Perhaps do an errand for him, butter his toast, massage his shoulders or buy him his favorite chocolates. It’s the little things that you do to show you have noticed his generosity that make a big difference.

If you are ever in the situation in which your partner says, “I feel that I can never make you happy,” then you are not offering him enough praise or showing him enough appreciation for him to know that he is making you happy. This is a sign that if you are not careful, he will look for someone else who will be happy with him and what he can provide. So be sure to show your thanks through words and actions all the time.